Veterinary Prep-Procedure Table Features:
- Premiere Prep-Procedure Tables include two styles of tubs
- 6 or 18 Single-Depth style
- 6/18 Multi- Depth style
- A removable Prep Rack, which is designed for a secure fit, is included with each Multi-Purpose Table.
- Recessed-end and full cabinet Prep-Procedure Tables are available in:
- Laminated
- Regal stainless steel models.
- Available in two widths
- 48-in. (121.92cm)
- 60-in. (152.40cm), and are
- Divided into 3 sections
- Full Cabinet Prep-Procedure Tables include storage space in all 3 sections in a variety of drawer/cupboard combinations
- Recessed- End Prep-Procedure Tables use one section on either the left or the right for knee space
- Tops are available in either stainless steel or laminated models.